The rising of Puanga & Matariki whetū marks the beginning of the Māori New Year. Listen to the stories about these whetū and learn about what how each awhi Papatūānuku (earth mother) and te Taiao (the environment) to prepare for the new year.
Create your own large character whetū to be displayed as a large hanging installation; tātai whetū.
Start by showing the story of Matariki.
Individually or in small groups research each star name and understand what areas they represent in te Taiao and Te Ao Maori.
Choose 1 Matariki whetū, then design ideas onto a planning sheet.
Create your choice of Matariki star reflecting each stars true characteristics using mixed media of new, recycled, repurposed or reflective materials.
1 x A3 Research page about one of the stars of Matariki.
1 x large character star made using light reflective and recyclable materials.