ĀKAU designed a tohu and set-design for ‘Nā Wai I Teka?’ – go check out their weekly podcast streamed
here. The designs reflect ‘E Toru Hakatupuranga’ - The 3 generations that come together to hakawhiti kōrero through the kaupapa of Nā Wai I Teka.
The aspirations and kaupapa of ‘Nā Wai I Teka?’ have been represented by the layering of 3 elements that connect us ‘mai i a Ranginui kia Papatūānuku’ and based on the following Kaupapa Matua:
He Tūpuna
He Matua
He mokopuna
E kōrero tahi ana.
He kaupapa whakawhiti kōrero.
The key elements that have been created are:
01 TIKANGA TUKUIHO - The whero, triangle light layer representing the tikanga that has been handed down through the generations.
02 HAKAWHITI KŌRERO - The kahurangi, circle table layer representing the energy attained through the never ending ebb and flow of kōrero.
03 PAPA WHĀRIKI - The kākāriki carpet layer representing Hākaro Māori and the strong foundation of this kaupapa.