Papa Hawaiki

Development of a Sports Complex and Masterplan for Lindvart Park by interweaving Kaikohe kōrero and history.
Papa Hawaiki is Kaikohe's destination sports ground. Whānau and tamariki travel from all over Te Taitokerau to train and compete against one anther. ĀKAU was engaged as part of a multidisciplinary team to develop an updated masterplan for the whole park, and the design for a new multisports complex with landscaping and carparking. Papa Hawaiki had its opening on 27th April, 2024.

Rangatahi and tamariki from local sports rōpū participated in a two day papamahi in which they created design concepts for the park inspired by old kōrero about Kaikohe. The resulting architecture and landscape design expresses interwoven stories about Kaikohe's connections back to Hawaiiki, the awa - also called Hawaiki - which used to flow through the area, and the site's history as a warrior training ground.

The sports complex has been named Papa Hawaiki after the design concepts and represents the kōrero about Kaikohe.
I get to help the community to be more involved with each other.
Taitamariki Participant