The three realms within Tāne’s domain are Tāne Whirikaha, Tāne Mahuta and Tāne Torokaha. Here are just a few starter points to fuel the creative ideas!
1.Tāne Whirikaha
Describes the root systems in and above the forest floor that keeps the trees upright and draws in the wai (water) to feed the trees.
2. Tāne Mahuta
Describes the physical nature of rakau (trees) and nga tupu o te ngahere (plants of the forest), the upright stance and posture of the rakau are able to bend and move with the wind without yielding to Tawhirimatea.
3. Tāne Torokaha
Is the canopy of the forest created by a branch system reaching out and interlacing each other to create an infrastructure of support and shelter. Tane Torokaha acts like a cloak sheltering all the flora and fauna therefore keeping all safe and secure. This branching system while sheltering all also lets in light, rain and vital nutrients to sustain everything living underneath.